You Can NOT Be Replaced®
'No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted' Aesop
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The original non profit established February 2012
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The Power of Service Learning
Ignite a Spark of Inspiration and Renewal this Summer!
Hey there, Amazing Teachers and Administrators!
I know you might be feeling exhausted and frustrated after this challenging school year. Believe me, I get it. I've been right there with you, teaching at a high school that I absolutely adore. It's funny how life brings us back to unexpected places, right? After spending four years as a director at a big church school, I jumped at the chance to return to education. Little did I know how much things had changed.
Our students are still not the same from the Covid experience, and let's face it, some of us teachers are experiencing serious compassion fatigue. It was really hard to see the school I love change so much over the last several years. But I do know that rebuilding a community comes from connection and relationship. It's what we do best at You Can NOT Be Replaced. My friends, I am excited that I may have a solution that can help rebuild and strengthen your school community. It's called Service Learning, and I believe it holds the key to unlocking a whole new level of connection and growth.
I'm thrilled to offer you the opportunity to participate in my online workshops this summer. These workshops are tailor-made for heroes like you, teachers, and administrators who want to make a profound impact. We'll dive deep into the world of service learning, equipping you with the tools and knowledge you need to create an incredible program within your own school community.
We'll explore everything from understanding the needs of your community to planning and executing hands-on service projects. The best part is it is student-led. I'll show you how to train your students to create projects THEY are excited about and invested in. And, of course, we'll cover the crucial steps to help your students process their experiences and truly internalize the impact they're making.
Now, I know summer is the time for rest and relaxation, so these workshops will be online, allowing you to engage at your own pace and convenience.
But here's the exciting part: I'm also offering an in-person workshop training option! Picture it—a chance to connect face-to-face, dive deep into the material, and leave feeling inspired and ready to take on the world.
To give you a taste of what's in store, I'll be offering a free 5-day program that highlights the core elements of the larger workshop. It's a great way to dip your toes into the world of service learning and see firsthand the incredible impact it can have. After the initial course, I'll have a more in-depth option for you if you are interested.
So, are you ready to join me on this journey of inspiration and transformation? Let's build a school environment that fosters empathy, resilience, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the world. Trust me, this summer will be a turning point for both you and your students—a year of growth and service like no other.
With admiration and unwavering support,
Where it began

Almost 6 years ago life took our family on a detour.
Everything we owned was packed into PODs ready to head to New Hampshire for a new adventure.
Then it all fell through...
While we were waiting to figure it all out, I received a text from a friend that worked at a high school looking for a
service learning coordinator and teacher.
I lol'd him and ignored the text. We were leaving the state...
But I tested the waters and sent a resume...
the next day I got a call...
the next interview...
the following week I started.
I was certain I was just helping the school out for only a semester. I ended up staying 18 months. It as an intense microburst of work. But...I had so much experience with community outreach and nonprofit work that I hit the ground running and boy did it make an impact.
While I was there, I helped to update the service program and curriculum.
I trained students by helping strengthen their social and emotional skills to be better leaders. I created lessons about different communities that were in need of help...the 'why'.... and taught students how to create events for the entire student body to serve the community.
What I saw happen was amazing.
Students from different social groups became friends
They found that understanding the 'why' gave their work purpose.
They discovered that unpacking and discussing the events reinforced what they learned and helped them create a better event the next time.
They grew in leaps and bounds as young people and leaders
While I was there, the school lost 2 students to suicide.
In walking very closely with some of the students as they healed, I discovered something amazing.
The program gave an opportunity for students to:
come out of their own heads and step away from their grief
bond deeply with one another
find gifts and talents they did not know they had
discover how their gifts combined with someone else's was magic
experience the impact those gifts had on others
see that their gifts had value on a larger scale
They learned that their life had a purpose bigger than themselves
and that helped them heal
We are coming into a year of unknowns. The students are returning after a year of isolation and disappointments.
They need to heal, find normal, and move forward.
I would love to help you create a service initiative that will transform your school regardless of what the mandates are
Start the School Year Strong!
Bring your students back to the community with excitement and encouragement to make this year the best year ever!
“Service leadership was such a special program because it not only taught us about how to serve our greater community and help people, but it also taught us a lot about teamwork, planning, organizing, management of resources, etc. I believe that the duality of the program focusing on both the spiritual aspect of service and the logistical side of service was key in the success of the program. Learning about the spiritual side of service helped us gain perspective about the communities we were serving and made the service more meaningful and fulfilling for everyone involved because we were taught to focus on those we were serving not what we were actually doing. And on the logistical side we were able to learn how to research the community we wanted to impact, plan out what we wanted to do, reach out the community director and propose our plan to them, organize a timeline and resources needed to stay on task, and then manage our peers, time, and resources to have a successful day of service.”
Former Student