You Can NOT Be Replaced®
'No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted' Aesop
350,000+ YCNBR wristbands are being passed across
the USA, Canada, UK and Australia
The original non profit established February 2012
Why Donate

Help us connect with young people!
Your donation helps us to work with our local high school and middle school students on projects, campaigns and events. Donations also help us send wristbands and our awesome materials to students, schools and people in crisis locally and beyond. The contributions from donors help us to reduce costs for schools and communites when they ask us to come present.
**YCNBR replaces student's wristbands when they pass them. Potentially, we could send out as many as we brought to a school for students over the following weeks.
But we tell them each time....The wristband is replaceable, the person is not. Pass it!
Materials for teens, schools and communites in crisis
Help keep our local teen events low or no cost
School Presentations - 'adopt a school'
Help Communities after a loss
Films and creative messaging for young people
Irish Festival Spring Lake
Don and Margee Brahn were chosen by the town of Spring Lake New Jersey as community members of the year for 2015 for years of humble and generous service to the community. They have generously chosen You Can NOT Be Replaced as the charity for the year.
The chamber of commerce of Spring Lake will be supporting our efforts for the entire year. We were incredibly honored to meet Jeff Feagles from the NY Giants and Ray Lucas at the Irish Festival on May 16. Jeff and Ray signed autographs for fans and the proceeds will be donated to YCNBR.
A very special thanks to Peter Grandich for donating the athletes through his company. $3,000.00 was donated to YCNBR from the Irish Festival.
Peter Grandich & Company www.petergrandich.com
Trinity Financial, Sports & Entertainment Management Co. www.trinityfsem.com
Athletes & Business Alliance www.scoreforbusiness.com

Please take the time to watch Ray Lucas' story.
TD Bank in Spring Lake hosted a 'Bring Change event. Fans brought spare change to donate and TD matched the donations raising YCNBR $4032.00
Is your school interested in having a wristband fundriaser?
You can use the money to defer the cost of an assembly or you can donate to our organization so that we can reach other students at schools who dont have the budget to bring in programs.
Donations can also be requested to be used cover wristband replacement or materials for students in crisis. For more information click HERE
Or email us : Youcannotbereplaced@gmail.com
Are you interested in raising money through a run?
There are lots of ways you can raise money for our mission. Runs are an easy way to create awareness. 5k runs are fun, even more fun when you race in a group. Pull together a group of your friends, collegues and family to put together a team to run in a local race or a larger race like The Color Run or Mudderella race.
We'll help you with the steps of setting up a Fundly page.
Give us 4 weeks notice and a minimum of 15 runners, we'll print team shirts for you with our logo.
We'll send you wristbands for your team to pass as you run.
Runners can choose where thier donation money is used just like the schools.
email us here for more information and ideas: youcannotbereplaced@gmail.com

"Hey - I want to let you know you guys have changed my life because I've never felt this way before. You've helped me realize I can't be replaced there's only one beautiful me.
You've not only changed me but you've changed my school and have helped me spread my wings. I can now stop hiding behind lies and let my true colors show!
I mean I've cut,been abused and bullied and sent to hospitals before and I felt like just a mistake n this world but you guys have proved me wrong i really hope you continue to do what your doing.
Changing people's lives one at a time.
God bless you!"

Superstorm Sandy.
Look to see what we did for our community: click here

Official Charity Partner 2014.