You Can NOT Be Replaced®
'No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted' Aesop
350,000+ YCNBR wristbands are being passed across
the USA, Canada, UK and Australia
The original non profit established February 2012
Events in our community and beyond:
For more information follow our facebook page and sign up for our newsletters.

2012 The Examiner
2012 Cabrini Athletics
2012 Coast Star Intro
2013 Coast Star Spring Lake HTS
2013 University of Dallas
2013 NorthJersey.com
2013 Project Light to Life
2014 Cabrini Student Turns Tragedy
into Hope
2013 NEWS 12
2015 Comcast
SCAC Community and Character award winner Emily Dayton
​Semi finalist for the
Monmouth County Mental Health AssociationShine on Jersey Shore for Recovery Superstorm Sandy.
Miles of Smiles: Community Impact award with Jessi Gregory and Lisa Schenke
Life is Good: Community Members of the year for dedication and support in promoting positivity within the school and community
Emily: CSAC Division 3
Sportsmaship award
All Academic
94.3 Assembly Program
Father Son Dinner
Squan Soccer Tourney
Chris Herren in the Park
Out of Darkness Walk
2 Color Runs (PA& NJ)
Mother Daughter Fashion Show
2 Color Run (TX &NJ)
Color Me Rad
Violets Meadow garden refresher
Mr. UD (TX)
Squan Soccer Tourney
Out of Darkness Walk
Dinner with Keith Elias
Star Fish Project
Hurricane Distribution Center relief 4 months
The Color Run Official Charity Partner
Dodge Ball Tournament
Step Back for a Moment Concert
Say Something about Heroin
Out of Darkness Walk
#BeAGift Campaign
Burlington Community Healing Day
I picked up a few of your bands at a recent high school program , I gave one to my daughter and son and I put the other on my arm. I explained to the kids what it was for, talked through the literature you had handed out and went about the evening. I wore my band to work every day after, until today.
I work for a local doctor and I was sitting in my office overhearing a conversation between a mother and her son.....He apparently was having trouble in school and was very frustrated and down. I listen to them for a minute and then went in the room...I asked how their day was going and that the doctor would be in shortly. The boy had his head down, no smile. Mom looked exhausted. I said to the boy, I was sitting in the room next door and overheard your conversation...I said don't give up, you'll get through this, my son went through the same thing and then I looked at my arm...I said ya know I have something for you...and I gave it too him he smiled when he read it...I told him how to wear it and what he needed to do from then on. I said have a nice day and went back into my office
....I could hear them talking again, different than before, better..... he came to my door before they left smiled and said thank you....I was a good day and a great feeling....please send me more bands, in my line of business of not just young people but also the elderly a little boost is a great thing!
Your organization is awesome!